Bala 2K air-out his mind yesterday on social media that Boom Tv is now Yemi Alade's Youtube channel. this was his words!!!!!!

Boom Tv is Yemi Alade's Youtube channel where her videos flow on and on while my folks are expected to pay huge sums of money either directly or indirectly to get their videos aired. The few cowards at the top can't say anything because they are scared their stuffs will not be aired or are under the impression that it takes connection to get Fame.It takes a heavy pocket for a Cameroonian first class video to enter the playlist and no franc for 3rd class Nigerian, Ghanaian Iv orian or South African video to enter the playlist. Go to the clubs and listen. At the end of the day we have only our bloggers to lean on cuz most of the other media are a disappointment. It hurts me to find out that my Video # KissU was downloaded and aired on some Kamer channels cuz it was perceived to be a Nigerian Latest. Team237 is a concept not a reality if we cannot put Kamer first. Kamer artist have been made strangers in their home. #70%Kamer30%Foreign # BalaInvasion