Language (English & french) has become 237industry point of entertainment, this morning JULY WALEZ had to address the industry with this writeup, this are his word
It's rather horrendous and appalling that most of our so called artists instead of making time to work on their #babycareers, find it more amusing picking on their fellow artist for such stupid reasons as choice of language for a song.😭😭😭 They are right though "music ain't gat no #language. You'll still be accepted in your own #language". So why the heck does my choice of language have to concern you. Are u a f**king #fanatic or what. Give people a break man. And by the way there's this thing they call "#Evolution", maybe you should try that out. So, bottom line "shut the f**k up and start evolving". Your f**king weaknesses shouldn't scare you. They should challenge you. Whether #French #English or "#Country_talk" doesn't really matter. Only good songs do.
hmmmm take it easy ooh. Language has never been a problem in the music industry i don't know why some people see it as a big deal. as u mention we are all interested in good music and not language. as for me flow na flow wader na corntry talk or the German OOH.